Sunday, October 28, 2012

PLOG and Stuff

It seems like it has been awhile since my last blog.  I do have an excuse.  This is a busy time of the year as it seems like there are many meetings to attend and they hit back to back.  So this blog will touch on a variety of topics.

First I must say that I was satisfied with the Administrative Conference which occurred last week.  I always go with the hope of bringing something back that will be useful.  I came back with a reguvinated (spelling) attitude.  Like I've said many times before - It is soo much easier to see negatives in things than positives, and this conference brightened up many posititves that are occuring in our nations schools...including our own.  We are succeeding in our the point that we lead the world in many key characteristics.  I was excited to hear somebody else say that we are over testing our students, and that a school cannot be measured by just looking at test scores.  I could go on and on about the conference but I will leave it at that.  We are doing a great job in our schools, and educators across the State should be proud of themselves.

Second thing on my mind is how much we all make a difference in this world.  You may not know it but you do make a difference.  Things you say, things you do....somebody is watching you....and somebody admires you.  I absolutely love running into old students.  I say old...loosley as it hasn't been that long since I've been in the classroom, but there is no better feeling then when a past student approaches you and thanks you for something you said, or did.  Things that are easily forgetten by me, but forever remembered by someone else.  These moments are the best moments.  You hear this all the time, but it is definatley true.  You may not know this, but you have touched somebodys life in a way that you will never know.

I challenge you to start a conversation with somebody you don't know this week.  I can't believe that I'm saying I've always been the shy the point where people could probably precieve me as stuck up...but I'm not that (more insecure than anything).  But even saying hi to someone you don't know may bring a big positive to them.  You never know how powerful your words and actions are.

And finnally speaking of positive.  We have seen Facebook explode.  Pinterest is now doing the same.  Blogging has become more and more popular.  I'm thinking I should start a PLOG site. This would be a blog, but only positive comments are aloud...hence the P instead of the B.  This would be a site that only comments allowed to you are postive ones.  Everybody has a page and people have access to write on there page...but only uplifting messages come through.  People could even write PLOGS and become PLOGGERS.   I wish I was techy enough to get such a page started.   To my tech friends....give me a call.

In any event.  I hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween.

Take Care
Mr. Jordan


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fantabulous Fall

I absolutely love this time of the year.  It doesn't get any better than that atmosphere that surrounds the Fall of the year.  So if your looking for an educational post tonight, you will not find too much, but hopefully you can agree with me when I say there is no better time than right now.

First off, the temperature is just right.  It is not too hot and it's not too cold.  As Summer flys by, I start to get sick of the hot weather.  I also tend to get sick of the cold weather as Winter "creeps" by.  So in the Fall of the year you get the best of both worlds.  One may ask "what about Spring?"  I love that too, however it is just too muddy and slushy for me.   The bottom line - I would rather be cold then hot, and I'd rather it not be a muddy mess.

The temperature might be the main reason I like this time of year, but its definately not the only reason.  Right now as I'm writing this I'm watching the Yankees.  They are currently up 1-0 in case anybody cares.  There is nothing better than Post-Season baseball.  Every year (it sure seems like) I get to watch the Yankees in the playoffs.  Even better yet, when they are blowing somebody out, I can flip the channel and watch Football.  My two favorite sports to watch all in the same season of the year. If I had a fire place - it will be all that much better.

This is also a great time for High School Sports.  Kids are getting back into the gym, concession stands are busy, etc, etc.  I love to see "school pride."   There is nothing better than high school sports - especially in a small town.  The community rallys together and comes to evening games.  Lets face it - the main form of entertainment in a small town is high school sports - and to me its some pretty darn good entertainment.  But also we have Friday night football.  A Fall evening, temperature in the low to mid 50's (I'll take high 40's) under the lights, and a community rallying behind there home football team.  It doesn't get much better.

But maybe there is another reason this is the best time of the year.  For me this is the time for some great anticipation.  Halloween is right around the corner, and you know Thanksgiving is not too far away.  And (I get it, your not supposed to start a sentance with "and" but it just makes sence sometimes) once Thanksgiving hits you know Christmas is very near. 

Uh ohh.  It is 2-1 Orioles.  I better hurry and finish this.  The Yankees need me.

Back to my anticipations.  I have soo many childhood memories from the three holiday's I mentioned. From dressing up at Halloween scaring people, to watching football on Thanksgiving with family, and all of the joys of Christmas - I just love this time of year.  It doesn't get any better.   I can always remember bugging my dad to put up christmas lights, and now I can't wait to do the same for my kids.  I want to take my kids trick-or-treating, I want to eat Turkey with them and watch football - sitting by a fireplace during a blizard.  Yes, I said blizzard.  Is there anything better than the combination of the following - football, Thanksgiving, and a Blizard (as long as everybody gets where they need to safely)?

So in any event.  Lets go Yankees - Lets go Fanatasy Football Team - Lets go Cougars - Lets go Titans - Lets go mid to high 50's - Lets go an occasional Blizard - and bring on the three anticipated Holidays.

Its 3-3 now, I better go.

Have a great Fall.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Merit Pay - Pay for Performance - Evaluations

First time blogging at 6:45am but I couldn't sleep last night because too many things were going through my head.  The biggest of those was the new push for education to move to Merit Pay or in other words Pay for Performance.  This also ties in teacher and principal evaluations as part of the process.

Most business's I would assume have some sort of merit pay system set up and I'm sure it does a great job of holding employees accountable.  I like a system of merit pay.  If I do well in my job - I should get rewarded for it.  I also like the idea of Merit Pay for Educators, but on different terms then what it looks like it's being set up for.

In education (unlike most other business's) is a third variable.  A human variable.  Current proposals for merit pay in education include a factor of student performance (based on his/her score on a standardized test).  This I'm not for.  A third party (human variable) exists here.  A teachers pay could then be influenced by a student's score on a standardized test.  Before I go further I do need to point out why I believe merit pay is good for education or at least mention how it could be used.

Merit pay for education should mirror that of merit pay for other industries.  If you work hard, improve instruction, go the extra mile, and have good evaluations - I'm totally for it.  Teachers are contracted for a certain amount of time during the day, and most teachers work much more than that.  I'm definitely for a system that rewards teachers for extra time spent improving instruction.  I'm definitely for a system that rewards teachers whom continually get good evaluations.  I'm definitely for a system that provides an incentive to keep great teachers in classrooms.

As for the student performance on a standardized test (this test being the State Assessment) I'm not for it and  here are my reasons why.  First of all the State Assessment carries no weight for a student.  In other words the score that a child receives on this test does not affect them in anyway, shape or form.  It does however provide valuable feedback to educators.  It gives us a target point at which the student is performing.  It tells us what a student struggles in.  But in terms of the student's report card or transcript - it is not noted.  The student can perform poorly on the test and still be aloud to participate in extra-curriculars.  My point - the test does not affect them.

My second reason (and I think I've touched on it in a previous blog) is the fact that the schools have no control over what happens to a child at home.  I've always said that if a child does not receive something at home that the school should do everything in it's power to provide it to them.  For instance - a child not cared for at home, a child whom's parents are going through a divorce, a child whom is abused at home, a child that has been shown no discipline, a child that lost a loved one, etc etc.  I could go on here.  These are factors that affect a student's performance in school.  The school can do everything in it's power to create an atmosphere that is caring, and one that is conducive to learning.  We can also provide an atmosphere which is safe, but when it comes down to it - if a student does not want to perform well on that 1 test, or if a student has so much going on in his/her life at home that taking that test is the last thing on their minds - they won't perform well.  I just don't think you can use this as a factor for merit pay or as a factor for letting teachers/principals go.

So I will close with this.  Merit Pay - Pay for Performance (in my mind) is a good thing.  Rewarding people for doing good and punishing people for doing bad is how we progress in the world.  We need to do something to keep great teachers in schools.  We just need to make sure that educators are measured by the right parameters and not something that is ultimately out of their control.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Technology in Education

It seems as though everytime we turn around there is a new gadget that we want.  We save money, and finnally when we buy the gadget and bring it home - there is something better.  The world in which we live in now days is changing at a very rapid pace.  This holds true in the Education World as well. 

Should we buy laptops or should we by IPADS?   I can tell you that every school in the nation has asked themselves this in the last year or two.  I know that some schools chose laptops and others have broke down and bought IPADS.  Whichever a school chooses, you can bet that it takes a big chunk of the budget.  Griggs County Central has purchased both IPADS and Computers.

I have never personally been a fan of buying something that just comes out.  I like to wait for the second generation.  Usually by this time - the company has had a chance to work out any bugs that came out with the first release.  This year we bought IPADS for our teachers.  We are banking on the fact that they will help facilitate better instruction.  Not that we have an instruction problem at all, but the possibilities with IPADs aiding instruction are almost limitless.  We hope that in the future we can start putting some IPADs into the hands of our students.  We need to understand however, that having IPADs just to have IPADs will not get us anywhere.  We need to look at the IPAD as an extention to student learning and a tool that can help bring out creativity and imaginaiton in our students.

It's not just IPADs and Apple Products.  Promethean Boards are getting more advanced.  Touch Screen - Gorilla Glass is starting to show up everywhere.  This is what you essentially use on IPADs, and other touch-screen devices...................I think :(.  I'm not a tech expert, but sometimes I pretend.

So when should a school decide to buy and when should a school decided wait?   This is a golden question.  Complacency is a bad word in my vocabulary - so I've never been a fan of waiting, however schools need to do a feasibility study first.  Schools need to ask the will this affect our students.  Schools should ask this in every decision that is make.  If the question yields more positives than negatives and the money is available - it's a no brainer.  If students are going to need it when they leave school - then we need to give them the training before it's too late.  After all - our job is to prepare children for what comes next right? 

So bottom line - technology contiues to grow at rapid pace.  If we don't stop to check it out - we may just leave our students behind.  We don't always have to jump on a technology just because its new, but what we do need to do - is to be open to change.

That is all for now - I'm going to go check out the IPhone 5 - I heard its pretty cool.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Thoughts as I start my 3rd year as an Administrator

Tomorrow will begin my third year as an Educational Administrator. As I sit here tonight doing some final prep for the students to come tomorrow - I have many thoughts wondering in and out of my head. So.....why not blog.

One thing running through my mind is discipline. I heard something this week that continues to stick with me. Somebody was talking about discipline and they told me that it doesn't work. I was intrigued by the statement so I continued listening. Basically (in a nut shell) this is what was meant by it. People continue to be mean to each other and our prisons are becoming increasingly overcrowded. I've always thought that firm, fair, and consistent was the way to go. Now for the first time I'm beginning to question myself. I think that fair and consistent are no brainers...and probably firm is as well. I am however wondering if there should be a fourth added in there. How about a genuine understanding or care for the person that commits the crime.

Now I have been blessed to grow up in a family in which my parents cared deeply for me. We were raised with strict rules and guidelines and were taught morals and the values of life. Can't thank my parents enough for this. However, not all children have this luxury. Not all children are cared for by there parents, and not all children are taught (what seems to be) the universal morals and values of life. I'm a firm believer that if a child is not receiving something at home...then I as an educator need to fight like crazy to ensure they get it at school. So as I close this thought...I think we should do everything in our power to rehabilitate a bully and let them know that he/she does have potential, and that people really do care for them.

Second thought was kind of along the same lines. Bullying seems to be a real issue now days, and maybe people point to the school for answers. The school should (don't get me wrong) play a large part at minimizing it, however it does take a village to raise a child. This obviously leads me right back up to my first thought, but I need to get something off my chest in regards to this.

If the very people that we are supposed to put our trust in to keep us safe are bullying each other, then how can we expect our children to not do the same. If Politicians can bash each other on TV, why wouldn't kids bully each other? It just seems awkward that you can turn your channel to any station practically and within the first five minutes you can probably find an instance of somebody treating somebody in a negative fashion. I'm not saying turn the TV's off, or change the context of what we are seeing on the stations, but what I am saying bullying is not just a school issue. We all have an obligation to treat people with respect and dignity. This is a world issue. This is a world obligation.

In any event...its time to clear my mind and get some sleep. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. A new beginning and new dreams.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sneak Peek: 2012-2013 School Year

Where did the summer go? We say this every year at this time don't we. I hope everyone had a relaxing, but yet very enjoyable summer.

I'm very excited for the up-coming school year. There is a freshness to every new school year that is very hard to explain, but its a brand new beginning to something I love to do.

We have a few new implementations this school year. Some are mandated by the state and others are unique to our school. Lets first start with those mandated by State Legislature.

We have a new Bullying Policy. It actually isn't a whole lot different then what we had before. The differences include...

1. Posting the policy on our website.
2. Allow for anonymously reporting.
3. Adopt a Bullying Prevention Program. We are adopting the famous Olweus Bullying Prevention Program.

With the anonymous reporting we have decided to team up with local law enforcement to adopt Text-a-Tip. This program allows anybody in our community to text in any information that they deem suspicious. If the texts that come into local law enforcement are school related, the authorities will notify the school immediately. What I really like about this is that the whole entire community can use this. Some details need to be worked out before we can kick start this program.

Unique to our school this year will be an extra period in the schedule. Yes, I said extra period. Our class periods will be 45 minutes in length with exception to periods 5 and 6. These periods will be 50 minutes in length as our Lab Sciences have to be 50 minutes.

The extra period (period 8) will be reserved for students to get extra help in whatever subject they need. Students will be able to visit with teachers in classes they are struggling in, or use the time to get make-up work done. It will also be used to give students interventions in subjects or standards they continually score low in, on the NWEA Map tests. I'm really excited about this period as we will be better able to serve our students and give them the extra opportunity to be successful. The bright part is, with students leaving late in the day for activities, they will not miss any of there core subject materials. Also, students with an "A" or "B" in all of there classes will be allowed to join art if they are in junior high, and pop choir if they are in high school. Seniors with an "A" or "B" in there classes will be allowed Senior Privileges for the last period of the day staring with the fourth week of school.

As I keep writing - lets get something straight that you may have already noticed. I struggle with the words "there and their." I always have struggled, and I will continue to struggle. So please don't judge me on my spelling error :).

So those are the major changes happening in 2012-2013. I look forward to an exciting school year and I hope you do too. I'm sure we will have our ups and our downs, but as long as we keep student safety and student success on the top of our priority list we should continue to move in the right direction.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Dream Come...Realized

This past week I fulfilled a dream of mine that I have had since I could ever remember.  My wife and I took a trip to New York, and we caught a Yankees game.  My anticipation for this event had been building for 31 years, so when I tell you that we spent 9 hours at the Stadium you won't be shocked.   My dream of watching the Yankees game came very close to fading away as we sat in the rain for two hours wondering if it would be postponed.  The 25 dollar umbrella actually came in handy.  My prayers were answered and we indeed got to watch the Yankees go up against there much hated rivals...the Redsox.  The Yankees lost in a good game.. who cares.  The Yankees have 27 rings, and Boston has like 6 maybe. 

So the Yankee game was amazing.  The stadium is nestled in amongest a poorer region of New York.  It's actually a sight to see (a billion dollar stadium in the middle of a sub-par region of one of the nations largest cities).  I loved every minute of the game and the stadium, but yet again remember I'm one of the biggest Yankee fans there is.   

It did not take me long to miss North Dakota.  Actually after this trip, I have a much more appreciation for the state in which I live.  I can stretch on the streets and not hit anyone :).  My wife and I actually ate at Subway when we arrived near our motel.  Yes, Subway - we were hungry and tired.  After we ate, my wife told the guy working "thanks, have a good night."  The guy looked at us with a straight face and no expression.  He was not used to somebody saying Thank You to him.  This is sad.

We were told that New York can be scary.  I did not find this to be true.  We went on the Subway and I didn't think it was scary at all.  Yes it was quite weird, but not scary.   I can handle people talking to themselves or begging for money.   We also took in Central Park, the Staten Island Ferry, A Comedy Show, views from the Top of the Rockefeller Center, and Times Square.  The Staten Island Ferry was nothing special.  Actually I got sea sick.  The Comedy Show was great but very expensive.  The Views from the Rockefellar Center were amazing.  I'm actually quite proud of myself for getting the courage to go up there with Jen.  I loved every minute of it.  Central Park was just ok for me.  Lots of walking.  If you want to spend a fortune you can get a horse and buggy tour.  Times Square was busy...people everywhere.  Taxi cab drivers everywhere...honking all the time.  Actually this leads me to driving.

Driving in New York.....crazy.  We have lanes in North Dakota that most people abide by.  In New York...lanes?  Are you kidding me?  I, for the life of me can not believe that there is not more crashes in that city.  Its every cab driver for themselves and get the heck out of their way when they are trying to get will get honked at.  If you honk at someone in North Dakota it is usually to say hi, or to impress a chick (back in the day I may have done this).

It was however a dream come realized for me.  I fulfilled a childhood dream and realized that I have no interest in ever going back.  I like things quiet.  I like to stretch without hitting someone. :).  

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The End of the Year

Who anticipates the end of the school year more; the teachers or the students? I can tell you that as a student way back when (i guess just 15 years ago), that I certainly anticipated the summer more than the teachers did? Or did I? The end of the school year has come from three different spectrums for me. First as a student, then as a teacher, and now as a Principal. So here is my answer to the question.

As a student I really anticipated the end of the school year. As a teacher I really really anticipated the end of the school year. Finally, as a Principal I really really really anticipate the end of the school year :). It sounds pretty negative, but I must tell you that when August 1st rolls around - I will be really really really anticipating the start of the school year as well. So it does go both ways. Everyone needs a break. I find that sometimes the most rewarding thing to do is...nothing.

As much as I anticipate the students leaving for summer break, I anticipate the time I will get to spend with my own kids. I feel like a guilty father sometimes. I get home from school, and I'm extremely exhausted and all I want to do is sit and relax on the couch, and my poor kids just want me to entertain them. The summer gives me the opportunity to live life to the fullest with my children and I'm looking forward to each and every day I can spend with them.

So no matter who anticipates the end of the school year more - I believe that the break is good for everyone. I wish everybody a safe and happy summer.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A 16 Year Old Journal Entry.

My last post entitled a "New Era," is going to be challenged by this post. My wife came across my English Journal from when I was a Sophomore in High School. I've always said that kids are different today then they were when I was in school. After reading my journal entry I'm not so sure anymore. The following is exactly what I wrote back in 1996 (August I believe), while a Sophomore in High School.

"To whom it may concern,

As you know school can be boring. I think that if we are here, school should be more sufficient. Well lets start with the lunch, the lunch period is long enough, but the food is just rotten. It's pretty bad when we have the same thing for like three days straight. Some of the kids in this school are just soo stupid. We need to have better discipline. For instance, you beat the crap out of someone and you only get inschool suspension. You should be kicked out for the rest of the year. In this school we get too much work, that is not right. Challenging us is one thing, but when they pile on 17 worksheets at a time, thats going way to far. I think that on hot days, we should be able to have class outside. This school smells because of everyone sweating to death sitting in an oven, oh I mean classroom. Its time this school starts to change. I'm sick of the way its is being run. Well I now have a page, I could write forever though."

So that was what I wrote about 16 years ago. Obviously I now know why I'm a Principal - I had it in me long ago. I wonder how accurate my statements are to kids now days. I'm guessing pretty darn close. In any event it was very interesting to read what I wrote back then. My wife thinks I was a huge nerd, however my studliness speaks for itself.

Monday, May 14, 2012

A New Era.

We definitely live in a different era. I applaud my parents for my upbringing. I was not an easy child to raise, but my parents did a great job. I only wish that I will be able to mimic their parenthood.

If I was in trouble at school, I would be in worse trouble at home. This just doesn't seem like the case anymore. Why are parents now days so quick to judge the school rather than their child? Why do we live in this new era? Will society ever change back? If society doesn't change, how can we make the system better? I think about this all the time.

When No Child Left Behind was passed, it totally took accountability away from the parent and the student and put it in the hands of the educator. If a student does not perform to high standards, then ultimately the school system failed. I do not agree with this. How is the students life outside of school? What if a student does not get a meal three times a day? What if the child's parents are separating? What if there was a death in the family? Don't all of these factors play into a child's educational success? Why then does accountability only rest on the school?

If I failed a test at school, you can bet that my parents made me study harder. If I talked back to a teacher, you can bet that it never happened again, because my parents made darn sure it wouldn't. If I didn't do my chores, I didn't get my weekly allowance of 10 dollars. Yes, I said 10 dollars, and this was only 15 years ago. It didn't take me long to learn values. It didn't take me long to learn how life worked. I got out what I put in. This continues today. I pay the consequences for my mistakes, and failures do make me a better person. It seems like failure is no longer an option now days. Losing a basketball game, dropping a touchdown pass, or getting an "F" on an assignment or test. If failure is no longer an option, how can one move forward?

I don't have the answers, but what I do have is a set of morals and values that my parents passed on to me. I only hope that I can pass these on to my children.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Common Cents

My biggest worry in life seems to be money. It seems like everyone has a worry. Some people worry about there jobs, others maybe about there appearance, either way we all have something that worries us. Even the so called "Worry Free" vacations bring about worries. Worrying is like a car payment - you will most likely always have one.

In any event, mine is money. If we were rich, I would still worry about money. I wish I had an easy button for this, but I don't. Common Sense tells me that I shouldn't worry, but I do anyways. I'm a victim of impulse shopping, and then obviously a victim of buyers remorse. I don't like to take the time to think about it. This is a fault (one of many).

Kids obviously cost money. Of course they are worth every penny. But common sense now tells me that when we go out to eat that my children can just share a meal. You know how it works though. You get them there own meal and they don't eat, but if you get them one to share - there's not enough food to go around. It happens all the time. Common Sense tells me to use coupons - I don't. Common Sense tells me to walk to school - to save on gas - I don't. Common Sense tells tells me that my golf clubs can last another year - they won't. Common Sense tells me to stop drinking pop (which would save money) - I can't. Common sense tells me to eat at home instead of going out - we don't. However now days, maybe it is cheaper to eat out.

There is a common theme in all of this, and the list just grows and grows. If I used some common sense I could save some money.

So I think we all have worries, mine is most likely similar to many, however what if I wasn't worried about money? Would I have a bigger issue? What is your biggest worry?

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Welcome to my blog. I'm new at this so please bare with me as I begin my blogging. My blogs will deal with mainly my educational insights. These are my insights, and in no way shape or form does my opinion matter more than anybody else's. I just like to talk :). I'm just and ordinary guy with some extra-ordinary ideas. My blogs will also cover my experiences and thoughts on life. I certainly hope you will enjoy, and please provide feedback to my posts.

As a Principal, I certainly come across many different experiences (this is what I love about the job). I have a passion for helping people and when that passion leaves me - I will then leave the job. I do not see that happening anytime soon. My blogs will cover my educational insights, my thoughts on many different education issues, and hopefully reflect the passion that I have spoken of. I hope you enjoy my posts, and again feel free to comment at any time.